Paul Geringer

the article says August 1st 2008, so this appears to have happened a couple years ago.

I took this with an iPhone 3GS sitting up against an 18" refractor.

@drazaelb: @drazaelb: L3 is an incredibly unstable point, mostly because the gravity of the other planets in solar system will greatly overpower the gravity of Earth (Venus gets very close to L3 every 20 Earth months, for example). Nothing could reliably stay there for any length of time without something to help it

@drazaelb: L3 is an incredibly unstable point, mostly because the gravity of the other planets in solar system will greatly overpower the gravity of Earth (Venus gets very close to L3 every 20 Earth months, for example). Nothing could reliably stay there for any length of time without something to help it stay (i.e. a

Download is rather zippy right now, hopefully it doesn't get bogged down too much before it finishes. It's a 378 MB file.

I actually don't have that configuration option for some reason...When I search for accessibility.tabfocus (or even just tabfocus), I just come up with the other option listed there accessibility.tabfocus_applies_to_xul.