Paul David

I don’t know about that...I’ve seen a suspiciously large number of Mommies parading around, claiming to be the Moral Center of the Universe™.

It’s a psychological argument.

But denying objective reality is the quintessence of early-21st century conservatism?

I’ll never know the pain of a knife wound to the gut until I commit harakiri.

I am LOVING the UI above which is straight out of the early 2000s!

Oh gimme a break! I am working at, I actually DO wonder what people are thinking when having kids.

I don’t hate women, I do hate mommies. Oh god I hate them SO MUCH. 

Lol. Yeah yeah....

Yes, yes you should have.

So when you have a child you don’t gain access to some deep understanding of the moral fabric of the universe and, if you are a mother, are somehow magically positioned as the Moral Arbiter of Everything™?

I like you.

Oh god I know!!!!!!!


Same here, Felina!


No problem.


Is it the mommy blogs?

But that’s why you end a relationship?

I’m a gay man. I have lots of female friends.