Paul David


Don’t they spoon chili onto spaghetti?

How are these scammy companies even in business?

This is about as surprising as the annual budget cuts the Louisiana legislature makes to the LSU budget!

It is nice to see the elaborate “ideology” that conservatives have built up over the past decades collapse.

No condescension.

Oregon is always able to fuck things up.

Pretty much.


Trump gave them the freedom to say out loud what they’ve been muttering for ages.

Uh, you don’t understand that?

But the poor GOP politicians!

Boy, the once-veiled white ethnonationalism of the GOP is on full display this election.

We Seattleites might as well just pony up the $500 million-plus that will eventually be spent on yet another arena.

I know.

Yeah, and the Ottoman emperor assumed the title of “Roman emporer,” however one translates that into Turkish, on the fall of Constantinople.

God no. I’ve had to work with the grads, though.

I live in Seattle and hate seeing this animatronic doll on the local TV all the damned time.

Such a nice crew.

It’s my vagina dentata nightmare come to life....