If I don’t have the option of turning off facial recognition and entering a code to access my phone, I will not buy this phone (if for no other reason than to protect against police searches).
If I don’t have the option of turning off facial recognition and entering a code to access my phone, I will not buy this phone (if for no other reason than to protect against police searches).
The residents were pissed, and petitioned the Board of Supervisors to nullify the sale. One resident explained to The San Francisco Chronicle the shock that they, the city’s wealthy, could be so rudely taken advantage of
I am not rich. I would not be affected by this tax because I don’t make over 1ook, much less 500K and I don’t live in NY. However, why should people be penalized just because they are rich? Most people who are rich worked hard and took risk to get there. They already pay the majority of the income taxes. Also, rich…
Anyone living better than me is rich, anyone less is poor.
Typical dishonest journalism.
Why do you keep mentioning billionaires when the tax is on people earning 500K or more?
I assume the poster means logistical in the sense that we have the ability to make enough food for the entire world to eat (due to GMOs), but since food spoils and people live in different places it hasn’t solved the hunger crisis worldwide.
Yeah, fuck them for advancing world food production to the point that hunger is only a logistical problem. Jerks!
I’m quite happy to believe (a) that Monsanto, or any other chemical company, would put profit before safety (b) some scientists might accept bribes to suppress findings critical of said companies and (c) Monsanto tried to suppress documents about Roundup. That still doesn’t add up to Roundup is giving everybody…
Except, it’s not. Science is based on observation, and repeatable events leading to the same observation.
I’m not naive. I never said he was going to “play by the rules”. I think that we went over that. However, sanctions aren’t going to force him to do so either. Is playing by the rules the goal? If it is, we are not going to be successful in achieving it.
Man I miss the day’s of posts from T. R.
This is bullshit. You’re talking about political beliefs as though they should be treated like religion. Fuck that, that’s why we’re in such a goddam mess right now, people investing their personal beliefs to such a degree that facts and evidence become irrelevant to them (and no, you’re not some special exception).
This may be true for YOU and YOUR political views, but there are plenty of people out there who aren’t on the fringes of politics and prefer a more centrist, moderate approach. There is nothing wrong with wanting, say, pro-choice rights for women, marriage equality, AND lower taxes and smaller government.
Sometimes outside car thermometers are so inaccurate that they feel like random number generators. They’re basically the worst feature of the car, next to the car’s infotainment systems. That’s because [...] they’re actually thermistors.
The Union of Concerned Scientists wrote in a 2016 report that “Despite more than a decade of development and a bill of $40 billion, the GMD system is simply unable to protect the U.S. public.”
“The tests are often conducted in perfect conditions, for one. Also, as experts have told us in our reporting, “If you miss by an inch, you miss by a mile,” meaning anything short of a 100 percent testing percentage is failure.”
If journalists want to be taken seriously and earn back the respect of the American populace, this misleading BS needs to stop.
What else would you credit for the lack of large scale war since the end of WWII? I’m not trying to troll, I am just genuinely curious, because I was under the impression that M.A.D was generally accepted as the reason nations with large military forces no longer conduct conventional war against each other.
“Those warheads make the world a dangerous place, but we have to keep in mind there were more than 70,000 nuclear warheads in existence at one point.”