
now add oculus rift support, and be prepared to die of a heart attack.

This guy's making a lot of money on ad revenue on a series that will never die and will always attract views.
Absolute genius.

That wall there says "The End", but the kid knows. He knows this is just the beginning. With his Wrecker's Coat, he takes his first step. Mhm, that first step.

I love watching Rob's videos because they are entertaining, and I wish that I could do what he does. That being said I wouldn't mind seeing some cuffs slapped on him, just cuz he is a bit of a douche.

Lol @ Rob's "Running from cops" video. On basic revenue share alone, he's made like over $30k from that video, (and didn't crash, cause anyone else to crash, or anything like that). Well worth the price of being called a douche.