
his staunchest supporters are nodding along like, “damn, I hate poor people too, so glad someone finally had the BALLS to say it.”

As an educator and as someone with student loans, everything Betsy DeVos does makes me ragestroke or nearly have a panic attack.

and now this

It’s all about the lining.

There’s a really ugly, bigoted lie floating around that Trump’s base is really poor/working class whites, a lie that has given cover to all of the rich and middle class people who voted for him (and an insult to all of the working class people that didn’t).

Dems always seem surprised that the moderate suburban whites they keep trying to peel away from Trump are actually his base.

This is all I’ve got right now.

I’m with them. Trump is clearly more Richard III material.

Hillary is a illuminati?!?!

“Can we get over this?”

Seriously? This is the hill we die on? What was meant to be a small token of support is turned into a point of outrage? Im sorry but the reason trump and his supporters continue to shit all over us is because we devote too much of our very limited resources to bullshit infighting in a hope to be wokest. Can we get

The more that comes out about the shooter (who is essentially a liberal version of a Trumpkateer) the worse it makes us look. This guy was a hardcore Bernie Bro, and in this one act of stupidity has essentially proven the point that Faux news and its ilk have been trying to prove since last year: “The Libruls are


Does this mean we finally get some more gun control, now? Boy, I hope so.

We need this. The drip-drip-drip will eventually wear away the stone.

By virtue of being born to Trumpkin, he’s already richer than you or I will ever be and will have many, many opportunities that most of us would only dream of. And chances are he won’t grow up to be any better than Donald Jr. or Eric. In fact, having him grow up seeing his dad skewered by the left will probably make

Ever since he touched the orb his arms been getting longer

American English translation: