
Thanks for this article, it was a really refreshing read. As a female gamer, I’ve struggled with this mentality before, (mainly in middle/high school) and it’s a crappy thing to feel. Especially when another female played more “hardcore”(CoD and other FPS) games than I did (I mostly play JRPGs). Hopefully in the years

Marcon’s internal reaction at taking Trumps’ dead fish.

Off topic, but this is weirding me out.

Blow job impeachment? Nobody in their right mind took that seriously.

Better get those Guy Fawkes masks ready...

“It’s about backing dancers.

Trump is president, so it’s more the “Wait, what do you mean if I’m not rich I have to be responsible for my actions now?” decade.

 Great British baking show

While some of us have never trolled, and are rarely ungreyed. Such is Kinja, I guess *shrugs*

Cigarettes, alcohol, and self-loathing.

As Mr. Rogers said- look for the helpers. This type of event is so horrifying, but knowing that there are people helping gives me hope.

Oh, it won’t just be the worst British politicians trying to capitalize on this. Expect maximum opportunistic bombast from the American right.Trump is no doubt rubbing his tiny hands together with relish as he contemplates how he can use this terrible tragedy to pivot out of the hot seat.

A concert that is likely 80% 9-15 year old girls.

This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the

Does this mean we can start kicking Jews and coloreds out of our business establishments?

I straight up started to cry during this when I watched it.

Penises are porn?

i think the point is that you voluntarily clicked a link that promised dicks; encountering porn in a comments section of an unrelated article is not voluntary