*hugs* You’re not alone on this. I have dealt with this myself. At my worst, I was down to skin and bone - 80 pounds. Still could only fit in a size 4 jean. Drove me insane, and to the hospital. I wanted to dig the bones out of my flesh and smash them. Things have gotten better since, but it’s still a struggle. Stay…
Hmm. I wanna play! Let’s see if we can move around the dots here...
Made my calls today to Murkowski and Sullivan. Will make them again tomorrow. Don’t forget to call your Senators!
Betsy consistenly reminds me of someone...
I have so much sympathy going out to the family, friends, and community of this young man. Suicide wreaks havoc on everyone. Each year I’ve taught, one or more of the students in my school attempt, and at least one person in the community commits. It is excruciatingly painful.
He really deserves more recognition.
Ah yeah, I remember that program! You mean DARE to do drugs?
Yeah. It’s even more hysterical when you find out that the parents offended by the word pussy are the same that voted Trump.
Oh shit... the health care bill!
*cries*. There are so many things wrong with this.
Hm. Sorry. Did you take a look at my source?
Mass extinctions take millions to tens of millions of years to recover from, not neccesarily happen and/or witness (e.g., supervolcano explosion, large asteroid, massive plague, etc).
We’re so great at survining mass extinctions! Cause we’ve (Homo Sapiens) lived through a total of - zero - of them! I know we’ll make it through our first mass extinction experience!
You’re right, the cockroaches and sharks made it last time. I’m sure humans are totally gonna rock this upcoming extinction! So sure, I’m willing to bet my own and everyone’s future on it!
It is sad. A lot of people I schooled with learned about sex through cable TV and whatever sleezy porn could be streamed over dialup. Not the... most resourceful places to get information on best practice haha.
Is this the wrong place to discuss whether or not we should be concerned with how much alcohol use is portrayed in film/tv/etc?
In my experience as a US public teacher (High School), it’s been more kosher to use the word vagina or “privates”. Male high school teachers call it genitals or “privates”.
That, or hunted by Dean and Sam.