Hah. I’m sure that was a cherry on top. I’m wondering if the US pulling out causes enough chaos that will allow Russia to pull out as well...
Hah. I’m sure that was a cherry on top. I’m wondering if the US pulling out causes enough chaos that will allow Russia to pull out as well...
Thank you for your service <3
At least someone will troll 45. *shrugs*
Oh really now? Of course his is. Heh, heh, heh.
I recently picked up The Stand by King- it’s been over 10 years since I read it last.
*hair toss* *check my nails*
I can see where you’re coming from... other than we’re talking about Disney here. I mean, Disney, the king of body shame and other disappointing and ridiculous societal norm enforcers. I mean, this is where you get disappointed?
Sometimes, I daydream the parinoia away and imagine Sessions as the broken and decrepit house elf in Harry Potter - Kreacher. He’s racist, dirty, immoral, corrupt, and has worked for such a despicable family for so long.... but, maybe there’s hope!
Uggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh this. is. so. EMBARRASSING.
The Republican patriots are there. They wave a different flag, for a different America.
Gah. This whole thing has got me feeling way too many emotions at once. I’m mortified and sympathetic for the audience, and for Grande and her crew. I’m horrified and suspicious about this happening right before the elections. I’m terrified at how Trump and his supporters will use this. I’m depressed. I’m angry. I’m…
I agree. It is boring. It almost feels... produced? Like, Katy thought “It’s working out for Nicki! Maybe I should be mad too!”
..... we tried to them ..... :(
Oh, so no jump starting Revelation? Well, that’s something positive.
Thanks man, I just hope it’s true.
- George Orwell, 1984
:( Man....
*grabs popcorn*