
I had to explain to a friend about “A Modest Proposal” by Johnathan Swift. Are we the only ones who paid attention in English Lit class? Most people still think that “Gulliver’s Travels” was just a kids story, right? sad how uneducated people are getting.

Now playing

I saw it on Blaze TV on Glenn Beck Oct. 4

Two people from the same whistleblower group died at young ages= Absolutely many people Total have YOU ever known that committed suicide? I choose, like with JFK Hit/9/11/Las Vegas, etc. NOT to suspend my Common Sense! like “they” want us to.....

Trump isn’t the one you should be worried about.....  

This is another “Throw”...... Used whenever the Powers That Be either want to HIDE something else or make the Lame Stream Media focus on something other than What IS “Something” a SPY RING in Congress that was Enabled by up to 150 House Dems in the last couple decades to facilitate drug ratlines, depleted

Oh come KNOW the Russians did it! lol