Patterson, Get In Here

Feel like there should be a DQ instead.

I’m surprised they didn’t call it “Super Flash Bros.” instead.

i hope they serb a suspension.


How about they invoke the Infield Guy rule, friend?

He could always join the Elite, I guess.

Can someone teach Trump HOW TO SIT ON A GODDDAMN CHAIR?!?

Show of hands: who now wants to see a picture of this agent?

Isn’t that the same way he celebrated after he won Chopped?

Count me among the many in the crowd rooting for Jinder to be unhindered. I can’t believe it actually happened, but it was fun to watch.

“The Person Killer” Randy Orton

I’d like a long read article in the speed running scene for this game. it’s a pretty interesting crew.

But their band name is something that’s heavily linked to one specific gender and one specific sexual preference. That’s why I’m confused.

It’s not a matter of can or can’t. As a gay man, I don’t want my penis within danger zone distance of a vagina, and I don’t know a gay man who does.

We need a new MBA Street. Those games nailed the formula of arcade basketball

Son of a bitch—-I always thought that was referring to Jeets and his new sneaker line.

However, the sexual assault during the Red Wings game did not occur between periods.

Waltman was flagged by a Customs and Border Protection watch list for potential drug carriers

Like, why would anyone try to actually scam us?