Patterson, Get In Here

Wikipedia on the Columbine shooting only mentions 2 suicides in the wake of it, but I’m not sure it’d track all of them, or more recent ones. I’m not sold on the veracity of the claim.

It’s a moot point in some ways.  The damange after a mass shooting is extensive and long-lasting, from crippling injuries with lifelong

My morals and my soul were shaped by the most wonderful woman, the love of my life, who I was blessed to have as my partner for 50 years.”

Bills fans this morning are destroying property, calling Brown racial slurs and drunkenly getting into fistfights so, you know, you can just imagine how they’ll react when they hear about this.

... it’s not even 2 years old yet.

Manziel to AEW?

In Soviet Russia, Wang touches you

Yes but when can I get Ruth Bader Ginsberg?

I look forward to reading this message on my brow ser.

I must have played Summer of ‘69 1,000 times in High School. I think I bought his greatest hits twice in my lifetime. Unfortunate to hear that he has this tracked record of abuse.

It’s a perfectly cromulent expressing! (damn, I’m dumb)

Looks like the experts were right when they said Hunt would never play another meaningful game in the NFL.

Now THIS is pod racing!

Can I please have a coffee table book with every single version of every single console?  Please?

Now playing

Wow, I saw no ‘Dig Diggity Dog’ WWF No Mercy, ‘OH YEAH NANA’ from Revolt, or Buck Bumble

I call bullshit. 

“My girlfriend has worked full-time to support my career as a Fortnite streamer, so I owe it to her and my four-year-old son...”

Yeah that’s gonna be a yikes from me.

Again, you need to consider the ways that you’re fortunate in life compared to me. I was cursed by a Japanese middle school’s resident ghost after a misadventure seeking true love. Now I’m doomed to forever click on Jezebel articles about people that I find moderately annoying.