Patterson, Get In Here

Totally agree. I just came to say “Yeah Jeet.”

Nah, ball’s white. We’ll let him be.

Just tell the game that your mom’s name is Martha and it’ll be working fine.

Plot twist: but the wish was to be told off by a major leaguer.

[Insert Cubs fan excuse for domestic violence]

The good news is that he should be able to get to Chicago pretty quick, as Chapman has a friend with a fast car.

“No whey!”

Great, now there's a crack in it.

Trumpster fire.

Form of: A losing ticket!

If you think that Outback looks bad, you should see what a bear does in the Forester.

RIP, upholstery

I’m glad this site compiles good bears for me. I found out the hard way that’s a phrase you should not Google with SafeSearch off.