
Yeah, that's the same one.

Just guessing, but isn't the cafe where the hit-and-run scene took place the same cafe where Walt met Lydia? Looked familiar to me.


For Your Life is my favorite hidden gem.

Hard to argue, but at least they stopped doing that after the first couple of albums once they found their own voice.

I don't know that the Stones' good songs are all better than the Beatles good songs - you can't make an enormously generalized statement like that. For example, Sympathy for the Devil > Let it Be, but Tomorrow Never Knows > Brown Sugar. It really requires a song-by-song analysis.

They sure did, I saw them at Madison Square Garden on that 1995 tour, and they killed.

That would make sense, but only if you heard that version first.

I'm having difficulty understanding how anyone who purports to like rock music can say they don't like "Kashmir." Can you elaborate?

If they could make a movie (and a great movie) out of a hiker pinned under a boulder for 5 days, this should be no problem.

The X files is a sitcom?

He had a fairly high-profile relationship with Mira Sorvino in the '90s.

In 1994, a $5 milkshake seemed really expensive. I'm old.

A successful, long-running novelty act is still a novelty act.

"It even spotlights Yankovic’s polka roots—and maps the way forward for an artist who was once dismissed as a novelty act"

My wife watched this series and just the sound of it coming from her computer made me want to jam forks in both my ears.

Do animated shows count? Cuz the Simpsons got exponentially better after they killed off Bleeding Gums Murphy. Coincidence? Perhaps.

Let's get something straight here: Cheers did not "improve" when Shelly Long left. It survived and thrived when many said it would not, for sure, but it did not become a better show than it was in its heyday.

Also the man the cab introduces him to the .44 Magnum.