
You can still lose a pregnancy after a positive test. She was probably trying to confirm every day that the preganancy was still there.

Will you two stop saying "gummy" so much.

Dear god do I love Midnight Run.  Been way too long since I've seen it.

Put me down for one vote for Tony Soprano telling Feech LaManna: "From now on, keep your antidotes (sic) to local color, like Dynaflow or the McGuire sisters, otherwise, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!"

Heh heh heh…you mean like JR, like the teevee show?

"That asshole called me an asshole?"

Can we please have the next category be 13 horrible performances in great movies, or as I call it, Daryl Hannah in Wall Street Syndrome?

This is Mission Control, preparing to ROCK OUT!

Don't forget his role as the phony shrink in Matchstick Men.  Which I loved.

Speaking of which, I always found it odd that Franco's character went by "Daniel."  Seems like the type of guy who would go by Danny or Dan.  (I say this as a Dan myself).

Always assumed Chippewa is meant to be a suburb of Detroit.  I know there are many references to Benton Harbor (where Lindsay's fictional boat house is located), which is slightly closer to Grand Rapids, so who knows.

I looked but could only find videos of GRP from the 2005-06 period, when he was using a full band.  I liked it better when it was just him.

Yeah, other than Gamma Ray and Youthless (both great) I can take or leave Modern Guilt.

I think you're thinking of It's All In Your Mind.

How so?  Kind of reminds me of that Lennon outtake "What's the New Mary Jane."

OK, but that's still a far cry from "woefully weak."

Me, too.  Saw his Radio City gig on that tour.  I remember when the giant bed descended from the ceiling during Debra.  So funny.

I vividly remember Beck released this album one song at a time on his website prior to the proper CD release.  I think he might've uploaded one song per week?  I would listen to each one over and over and over again on my computer, so I knew every note on the CD when it finally came out.

One gains depth by writing, recording, and performing beautiful music.