
Should have a familiar ring, the questions in advance.

Don't forget Peter Bogdonovich as Elliott Kupferberg in the Sopranos.

I happen to think that there were at least 3 movies that were more deserving of Best Picture than Gump, and Quiz Show is one of them (along with Pulp Fiction and Shawshank).

I think my favorite line might be "Unfortunately they have the sandwich here, but, uh, they don’t seem to have any Reubens."  "Touche."

I love it, too. Fantastic screenplay. "YOUR NAME IS MINE."

AV staffers - I had a great idea for an Inventory list, inspired by my viewing of Fast Times at Ridgemont High (for the millionth time) this weekend: stick-ups gone wrong.  You got Fast Times, Miami Blues, Raising Arizona, and Boogie Nights for starters.  That would be a very fun list to compile.

Yeah, I saw it opening night in New Paltz, NY, and the audience was literally screaming when Travolta brought that needle down.

Chris Rock's movie career continues to befuddle me.  He is an astonishingly talented comedian who has been in nothing but one huge pile of steaming crap after another.  When is someone going to make a vehicle for him that actually works?  Where's his Beverly Hills Cop, dammit?!?

Agree on Step - it's already jangling around in my head, and I just heard it for the first time 30 minutes ago.

@avclub-f3165be83d2dd835403b494eb7185ce2:disqus I assume you also don't listen to blues, since it was crassly appropriated from slave music?

@avclub-2f160fd59b58e3b00a54383cdd8fd1e6:disqus Everyone appropriates everyone in popular music.  Where have you been?  Find me an artist you like, and I'll tell you what style/other artists he/she appropriated. 

Hey hey kids, I'm talking Krusty.  Hey hey kids, it's Slideshow Mel. Sideshow Mel.  Learn from a professional, kid.  (tires screech).

Fun fact - for anyone who has the DVD of this season, there's a great audio extra of Mirkin giving direction to James Taylor in the booth - something like this:

I still look at this show and see nothing but Murmur from the Sopranos.

….and Rob Reiner is handing him tissues.

IC what U did there.

Let's see…. Stone, Spielberg, Levinson, Crowe, Mann, Scorcese, Kubrick, PTA…. you've got a point there.

A Stranger Among Us is from 1992, a year earlier than True Romance.  In fact, Gandolfini talked about this role at length on Inside the Actor's Studio.

Very true.  In fact, this movie is a character actor's dream.

Maybe he meant "the female lead"?  Seems like a word is missing.