
Absolutely correct.

Guy's worked with Spielberg, Scorcese, Stone, Tarantino, Bigelow…. not a bad list.

"At that point Jimmy hadn’t even done a movie yet."

Funny, I see it a little differently - it WOULD HAVE been the best Tarantino film if he HAD directed it.  Probably his best script.

Needs more exclamation points.

Her character's last name on Parenthood is Holt?  I guess she married Steve after all.

Nailed it re: Emeril.

Also - a black guy steals Meadow's 10-speed bike at Columbia.

Jamal Ginsberg?

Pretty sure Eugene was drinking a Snapple.

You think Chase put those episodes together to pander to fans?  No way.  One thing this show made clear, Chase was going to do what he wanted to do, whether anyone liked it or not.


Tomlin is also wonderful in All of Me.  And Libertini is awesome - the In-Laws is one of my favorite movies of all time.  (I presume the author of this article thinks it's "hit or miss.")

You find me two people who would rather watch "Starman" than All of Me, and I'll be impressed.

Iron Balls McGinty would like a word with you.

The Jerk is perfect.  The other two are very, very funny, but I can live with the hit-or-miss description.  But to call the Jerk "hit or miss" is borderline outrageous.  It's a masterpiece.

The Jerk is hit-or-miss?  Where exactly did it miss?

LOL!!  Forgot about that one.

To this day, whenever I hear Michael Jackson's name spoken out loud, I reply "Michael Jackson??" in Milhouse's voice. 

Watch the potty mouth, honey.