
Reading this article my face was like this the whole time:

Finally, a kid that can drive themselves to school and all their activities alone!

a horror movie that focuses specifically on showing very grotesque and disturbing violations or mutilations of the human body. Think: Alien, The Human Centipede, Rosemary’s Baby — stuff where fucking up a human body is the centerpiece of the movie 

Now playing

The area was a sort of resort in the 1950s, with hotels and lakehouses and all the associated mid-century leisure stuff that entails.

All I hear is shit about HD.”

1. Do not call me a fucking shill. I will absolutely tell you what does and does not work on a bike, and will tell the truth regardless of how a manufacturer feels about it. Every bike has downsides, but none of the Harleys I’ve ridden have not fit the use case they were built for.

2. Saying a Harley is low quality is

BIKES ARE FUN! Even a bad bike is a fun bike. That said, I haven’t ridden anything from Harley that I would call bad. Overpriced? Yeah, sure, but certainly not bad.

And I’d argue the Pan America is the best-priced ADV bike in the segment right now.

Oh my god, shut up.

i kind of care about what HD is trying to do to survive. i admit it’s morbid curiosity, but i’m interested. 

did you skip over the entire article that talks about this bike being 60 lbs lighter then the outgoing sportster with literally twice the hp lol. Don’t be such an ass.

This is like people stopping at the top of an escalator while they decide which way to go.

Because most automotive electronics are designed for 12V. Also if something happens to the battery pack its good to have a different 12v system for lights, door locks, ect. 

When I buy stuff from Amazon, am I by proxy supporting everything Jeff Bezos supports?

UPDATE: his weird fucking mural wall also includes Pearl Harbor.

Fuckin’ boomer-grade boring-ass car collection, too. And he apparently has a giant blown-up photo of 9/11 on his wall... Is he... proud? of that moment in American history?

We are one giant step closer to having billionaires funding their own private armies to enforce the political positions they prefer anywhere in the States.

This is such a ridiculous practice in the first place. If you want your employees to buy your cars, just make better cars.

I’ll tell you what it is.

It’s the first Civic in a while that doesn’t make me angry when I look at it. I like the design, the interior is really good. Congrats to Honda for going back to big, round, easy to read gauges and for making the manual available with the turbo engine.
