Every single Autopilot involved crash has been ruled driver negligence, by the NTSB, the insurance companies involved, and law enforcement that did investigating.
Every single Autopilot involved crash has been ruled driver negligence, by the NTSB, the insurance companies involved, and law enforcement that did investigating.
3rd: It’s okay for everyone else to speculate about the circumstances around the crash. IMO, Tesla’s CEO should hold off from publicly doing so until after the investigation has been completed.
See that beautiful BMW in green with a tan interior at the top of this article?
You’re responding to an author who regularly has articles about obscure tail lights... Your point doesn’t land well here.
there, you’re free!
Shiiiiiit...I can’t even get out of they greys, let alone have an entire article written in response to one of my comments... Da fuq...
It is amazing they haven’t gone back to doing golf carts again.
“I expect that this will only be short-lived. Boomers only have so many years left upright.”
Did it take the fire department four hours to put out the fire from that crash? Was there nobody in the driver’s seat? Can you see how the two are different?
Agreed. 900turbo did the right thing; the animal can be humanely trapped and relocated to where it can get more appropriate prey and be less at risk from human interaction.
Bobcats are no joke and your neighbors are dumb as hell. I’d probably have asked if anyone’s had any pets run away recently, because, well, bad news on that.
We have a bobcat roaming our neighborhood. Family down the block has a fence because of the 3 year old. Bobcat jumps the fence, saunters under the swing set and jumps over the other fence. Constantly wanders through my backyard backed up to a conservation area. Called Animal Control and they’re pissed because it’s…
the guy killed the thing and it was tested for rabies, presumably by animal control...in the south. pretty sure they’re better at identifying the animal in their custody than you are.
Nah, man, you can tell just from the shape in the gif, that’s a bobcat. They’re surprisingly small, but have a distinct, stocky frame that isn’t particularly similar to house cats.
Bobcats can range in length from about a foot and a half to four feet long and anywhere from about 15 to 40 pounds.
Well things would be different if the bobcat wasn’t being aggressive and trying to attack his wife/the pet. I don’t know how I would react but I would hope I would punt that little fucker like I’m trying for a 50 yard field goal, and if it came back, like Bernie Mac used to say I’m gonna beat it till the white meat…
It was an aggressive and likely rabid bobcat, you do whatever you can. If you want to hammer throw that thing, go for it.
While the Class 4 roads are public roads, the town doesn’t want to deal with off-roaders and any potential shenanigans and damage.