
It’s very frustrating to read about this sort of thing, because on the one hand, you always want to see quality studios and games thrive. On the other hand, is it really thriving if a fair amount of their workforce sounds constantly miserable? Being in a work environment where peer pressure is the reason you don’t

...a pine tree air freshener to the car but seems to have failed to remove it from its retail packaging. What is up with that?

I’m sticking around for the long haul. You can’t get rid of me that easily.

Oh, I’m so afraid of big man diesel blowing his dumb fucking soot at me. Really got me there! 

Look, I get it, some of you guys think that cars are killing the planet,

No, pretty much anyone who has scientific knowledge in this area agrees that cars are killing the planet. Don’t try to downplay it because it doesn’t align with your view that you need a monster truck to get to work.

I absolutely can and absolutely will complain about 18 mpg. That is truly unacceptable.

One way or another, I’m going to learn about the new Bronco’s tech, and break it down for you in a detailed explainer. Invite or not, I’ll get it done.

The “Disappointed Husky” design trend strikes again. The rest of the car looks very 500.

You realize that a lot of people who produce things that get bought all over the world are quarantined and can’t leave their house right? There isn’t an overreaction, the supply chain is stopping because people can’t go to work. 

None of the services and resources you listed are universal, and become increasingly scarce once away from densely populated urban areas.

Maybe nobody actually wants a driverless car?

“Instead, the company wanted to just make a good bike that rides well. We’ll see if that’s enough.”

We may be enthusiasts, but you have to write for the SEO and non-enthusiasts that may still find the article interesting and be pulled in to the article via third-party sources.

OMG’s legal team:

It does but this is about the PRINCIPLE 

The knob in my Golf TDI is like that. I point it straight up and then adjust the volume with the buttons on the steering wheel. The problem is, it detentes to juuuuuust left or or right of straight vertical so it’s always at least a little annoying. Also when my wife drives she just adjusts it to whatever she wants

Motorcycle sales in the US are less than half of what they were 11 years ago.

That’s right. Everyone, give up now. /s

I wish I believed that “since I’m not doing anything wrong, I don’t have anything to worry about.