
For all that was wrong with the prequels - and there was SO MUCH wrong with the prequels - there was some genuinely great sci-fi design going into the production. These guys, General Grievous, the WW2-inspired Naboo ships, tons of fun. 

I felt the same way, but in the second half of the third season they started delivering on the promise shown and I just hope the final season manages to do the same thing, given how few episodes are left and all of the things they could include from the comic there’s really no excuse for filler any more.

Honestly Preacher has always seemed to have a lot of wasted potential, but I’m still looking forward to seeing what they can do with it. Especially since they have a set end date and point to work towards.

I believe the term you are looking for is “clickbait.”

Why is the thumbnail of Shazam! (2019)?

Why, thank you!

I would like to acknowledge the genius of this header GIF.

Yes, I have noticed, but I fall for it every time.

There have been multiple studies on this over the past few decades and it’s not a clear cut answer because several studies did not control for deaths due to winter seasons, like influenza.

We just got Borderlands The Handsome Collection for free. Some months they don’t have stuff for everybody.

Saitama doesn’t have a life bar.  He has a “Time to realize there’s a sale at the grocery store” bar that goes down whenever an attack lands. 

His explanation makes sense, but people try to make him out to be a villain. What does Tim Sweeney know about business? He’s only worth $7 Billion.

Love this show.  Stop telling me what to like and not like about it! lol

Careful with that edge! You don’t want to cut yourself with it!

Can’t wait to watch this. I’m surprised at how many people were quick to dismiss this game based on one 15 minute video. Respawn, in my opinion, has earned our trust. Those guys are FANTASTIC devs!! There’s no doubt in my mind that they’re going to deliver one hell of a Star Wars game.

If it means that it’ll beat Avatar for the #1 spot I’ll go see it for a fourth time.

I’m rooting for Scooter Remover despite their shitty practices. 

Sounds like Bird and Lime don’t like having their business model disrupted.

I love it. I assumed people would steal or Chuck them into the weeds. But a company working like a tow company and charging storage it is brilliant.

I love a story where there’s nobody to root for.