Retire, old man, you’re fucking useless. You can cluck your dessicated tongue and wag your bony finger at Trump’s antics all you want, but you don’t actually do a goddamn thing about it.
Retire, old man, you’re fucking useless. You can cluck your dessicated tongue and wag your bony finger at Trump’s antics all you want, but you don’t actually do a goddamn thing about it.
If he floats, he is a witch! So we drown him.
We need to start conducting this witch hunt properly—we’ll throw Trump in a lake and, if he drowns, he’s innocent.
Let’s not kid ourselves. If the mayor were still that hammy Boris Johnson, Trump would be calling him a courageous leader and extolling his virtues. This is based on the fact that the President is a brown Muslim.
Trump strikes me as someone who desperately wants upper class approval. The queen conspicuously ignoring him might be more painful to him than a kick. He might even get off on a kick....never know with him.
This whole thing is like the drunken uncles of America are lurching around representing all the rest of the family.
Ugh, we don’t want him, but we certainly don’t want to you to have to deal with him.
This post made my day. Way to mayor, Mayor Khan!
Hopefully, the Mayor has started something.
If only more leaders had the stones to stand up and say they dont want him to visit.
In my humble opinion she shouldn’t have apologized...
“Ignore him like all of the other world leaders ignore him.”
In my humble opinion....Alec ain’t wrong.
So I joined Next Door and I think I regret it. I’m in what is both a newly developing and older part of Denver and a lot of the threads are somewhat racist? Also I feel like it’s having the effect where my neighborhood seems now dangerous than it is because of the 24/7 posts. I don’t know hard to explain. Anyone else…
Bloomberg’s motivations are surely not entirely altruistic; he toyed with running for President in 2016, and it’s thought that he might actually launch a run in 2020.
I have never known a family that did not cherish some outlandish story that they believe to be true. My grandad thinks we are descended from Charlemagne (I think he consulted a charlatan genealogist), my college bf’s family believe his grandad dropped the bomb on Hiroshima (he did not), and every white older white…
It just sounds like she was raised around eccentric people and that she’s a little eccentric herself (isn’t half of Hollywood?), still love the Rebz. And if her mom called her Rebel and everyone knew her as Rebel... who really cares what’s on her birth certificate?