
I use this custom filter for twitter previews:*:large Use same instructions given above. The benefit of this is when you click tweet, you are then able to see the image. Cheers.

There's a strong argument for NOT building a credit history. No one ever went into too much debt from not having credit cards. In most cases, a deposit will substitute just fine for a credit score or even a credit card. Use a debit card and keep a cash reserve. (I haven't done this, but wish in long hindsight that

Uh-oh. Somebody's getting fired and collecting a $30-million severance package.

Now make some that are powered by eating fish, and the circle of life shall be complete again.

Clearly, he was sleeping with Petraeus, as well.

Swiss? No way. Sequel to that weird transparent Aluminum Star Trek IV movie? Way!

Now, if only there were some biological process to combat global warming by converting CO2 to Oxygen. SCIENCE!

I find them useful on more obscure products that I'm going to buy online. Sometimes the write-ups don't tell you everything and it helps to see someone catalog the ports and peripherals. This has saved me from some second-rate tablets, actually. Seeing someone not in marketing handle them showed how poorly designed

Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park (California), according to a quick Google Image Search.

Sorry I missed the original list. I'd go with 'Rainier', since they've already gone with one type of cherry (Bing). Besides, it's a subtle nod to Redmond, WA. (I know the pronunciation would be different for rain-ier, but go with it!)

You'll reference the release date, like you do Macbooks. So it will be the iPhone- Late 2012, with a color/material designation if necessary.

Would totally work for me with Apple products. My algorithm would be If (idevice is new) AND idevice.price < $500) Then ship_on(idevice.releasedate); Sadly, the list of devices in that range is rapidly shrinking, but still valid.

In the good old days, generous commenter would have setup a search routine to tell people if they are affected. Of course, commenters haven't really felt the love lately, so there may not be enough goodwill on account for that to happen. I'd do if that was my skillset. Sadly, not.

Plastic Poncho- $3

I didn't notice if these were ordered chronologically, but he's so polite in the early videos, and gets progressively less sympathetic to his opponents.

I wish Game Center would catch whatever Ping got... Apparently, it's spreading, though.

Perusing the various categories of time-out, restraining order and other clever ways to categorize people as 'trolls', it seems like the author wants to make a gender rant, but is offended when others make gender rants. If you suddenly proclaim that NY Yankees are the best team in the whole world, it's rather narrow

So, I work in the defense industry, so I should give a lot of shit to people who want peace, because it might affect my health benefits? No thanks. I'm glad you're working. I'm glad I'm working. I don't plan to tug any heart strings when changing market conditions necessitate I modify how I make my living. Bad

Yeah, who wants choices? Let's all line up and we can choose between an iPhone or Nexus. Then we can round up the Note owners and the Veer owners (tiny handed freaks!)