Patrik Malkusch

only that there are no more eagles left in germany! it was most probably a BUZZARD! very common all over germany.

"They (Audi) try and try to be BMWs..."

reminds me of a german logo used in the mid30s and MANY movies following that era.... just saying... you MIGHT not want to use this logo on any futur products^^

Unconfirmed reports suggest Schumacher is blaming it on the tyres...


shoots in 180p??? seriously? ... wow... thats a step backwards...

i saw that, i just wanted to take that "roughly" away :)

hi im german and im pretty sure, i can translate it for you guys.

and of course, they will still use windows xp... anyone noticed?!?

" long as the Stormtroopers still wear Fullbody-Armor and still die from one shot..."

NOBODY saw that annoying mousecourser in the middle of that trailer??? i HATE these people who cant move the courser out of the screen!... assholes! seriously...that makes me angry! and nervous...


yea... FIRST thing you learn while snowboarding:

the REAL question is:

Better still: audiences WON'T ;)

somebody´s going to get fired... somebody´s going to get fired... *singing* ^^

I SWEAR i read that story 5 times... and each time i thought, WHAT IN THE WORLD is a 6YO boy doing with a PEACEMAKER?????