Cooter Biscuit

This comment! I remember buying Punk-O-Rama volume 1, and that just led me down a wormhole over time.

I had that same thought, author may just be a toss pot, fuckwhit, toerag, gobshite…. if you know what I mean

There is no reason to be embarrassed of this. I think individuals who are usually are in their peak hardcore/post-hardcore/emo/screamo/indie rock/powerviolence/whatever comes next phase. As someone who enjoys the large swath of variations of punk and metal sounds; as I have gotten older I definitely feel some of the

Drugs Are Really Expensive… at least they were when you had to buy them on your middle school allowance budget.

Really?? I think America likes to think that about itself. Maybe we are Empire/Imperial Light, just a shittier version of something already not great

But there usually is something cool! Make sure to not be overlooking the small in-world Korok puzzles. They are found in some weird random places (rocks in the middle of a lake, tops of peaks), they are usually what I have been finding when exploring to some space.

As a few have pointed out, it was a great read but seems it would be hard to translate into a cinematic adventure in the same way. I am imagining that it will cut out the reporter angle, and just focus on Fawcett and his romps through the woods.

1996 was the year alternative and radio rock died for me as I started on my epitaph/fat wreckords phase and from there on. The playlist which defines the death of grunge for me is the following

Ahhhh good ole Glen Benton, still going strong with the current version of Deicide (or now known as the Glenn Benton show!). This album though retains a special place in my rotation when I need a cheerful boost to my day.

Sounds like death metal is not your thing from the bands you listed. Not all their albums are great, but some of their best are classics of the genre and for me re-listenable time and time again. Sometimes you need a good soundtrack for goat sacrifices and carving pentagrams on to bathrooms stalls

You know what lazlohollyfeld I like you, youre not like all the other commenters here on the avclub message board.

I don't think any sabbath cover tops Neurosis' version of "children of the grave" the intro sounds like a doom version of darth vaders theme!!!

I am on board with all mentioned songs and would add "stuck in a closet with Vanna white" to the list. Oh and "I remember Larry" also "everything you know is wrong" And "waffle king". Definitely make an entire series from weird al originals!

Cooter Biscuit: You know who my favorite rapper was when I was your age? Ice Cube.