Patrick Pruitt

Why would you use Uber Eats? Why not get delivery? At least that person is an employee of the restaurant and not some barely traceable rando whose a contractor for a company that is barely capable of holding their corporate employees accountable. An Uber driver can lick your food, put something in it, etc.

Nasty. Is uber-eats basically just an uber person picking up food and people, like grub hub but with food?

Well, that’s one way to clean out old titles from the app store. A bit of a shame though, especially since side loading those games is not possible

Lynnels do get fooled, but only if you are on your horse ;)

Hah! I never even finished Sun’s main story (and I even bought the dual-pack steelbook!), which was pretty weird considering I finished every other Pokemon game I played to the bitterest end of them all.

It makes me feel so morbid that I absolutely love articles like this where people put the NPCs through grueling torture, like this maze.. And yet I can never stop reading. I would like a documentary following the brave guests who had to endure this, please.

“...if someone kills us, we should always continue on as zombies to try to get our vengeance.”

How in the blue hell do we have 3 Cars movies and a Cars spinoff before anything else related to the Incredibles has come to light?

I missed it, what is wrong with cargo shorts?

I missed it, what is wrong with cargo shorts?

The fashion police can kiss my Cargo Shorted ass. They’re comfortable and (as a dad and husband) incredibly functional.

The fashion police can kiss my Cargo Shorted ass. They’re comfortable and (as a dad and husband) incredibly

I’ve been using an iPhone since the iPhone 3G came to Canada. I’m used to the design, know my apps, and have spent hundreds of dollars in the ecosystem over the years.

Do not get me wrong. I am glad they got this guy, but 30 years seems really light considering that there is people doing more time in jail for selling weed.

Take all of those 250,000 people and send them off to the moon on the next spaceX rocket and just drop them off with potatoes.

What the actual fuck

What the actual fuck

I’m just shocked the game didn’t crash at least once

I can’t even get through a character configurator in that amount of time. This is just crazy.

I know a great game for the iPhone. It's called "Adventure".