
Wasn’t a failed attempt at Step 2 how VW got control of Porsche in the first place?

The radio in my kitchen, always tuned to NPR, was on during the funeral broadcast and I happened to wander by when Obama was talking, and it was like a freaking out of body experience hearing that voice. He needs to do more televised speeches to remind us what normal feels like.

As long as a Democrat isn’t in office, they don’t care. That’s it, really.

They’re ok with this, “He’s not hurting the people he’s supposed to be hurting.” - Trump voter.

Gosh, I was watching Obama speak while I was having lunch and 1) he looks great, 2) I miss this man... so. damn. much.

Time and time again, members of this administration have shown that they are willing to do traitorous and treasonous things in their own self interest. It is an utter mystery to me how Republican voters and Republican elected officials can find a way to turn a blind eye.

“Look, I promise I’m not racist against Black people. I do, however, not believe in a woman’s right to control her own body. Especially as it pertains to Black women.”

I think we know the answer to that question.

Who has time to watch a whole video, gotta get that comment in before the burnout is done!

You mean in the gif at the top where he’s warming up the tires in the burnout box? Did you watch the video?


What kind of pizza are you eating that has “juices”?

At least the restoration is almost finished.

I wouldn’t care if we could get the RS3 hatch here in the US. We can’t though. So I am disappointed.

I feel like physical buttons need a lobbying group

I was going to say, maybe this is one leg of Montreal to Key West?

IIRC the SC430 was the last new car available that had a cassette deck

“Hey, eat shit, man, here are 2,000 pages! Yeah!” wouldn’t be a bad outcome.

I thought the purpose was to goad him into proving you wrong.

The purpose of the article is to express the opinion that this dude may well have no pages.