
One of the major problems I’ve found with an AV that regularly goes around my area is that I can’t infer what it is ‘thinking’. I ride my motorbike, and with a human driver you can often tell when they have noticed you or if they are distracted or whatever. You can guess their intent or lack thereof and act

For the record, I am not against EV and obviously something needs to be done about all of our polluting, but the issues with EV are there. I would much rather see billions poured into finding ways to make hydrogen power sources efficient, just as billions were poured into Li-Ion for the mobile phone boom.

Regarding “dumping them in landfill”, recycling Li-Ion is not financially a no-brainer:

So safety standards are non-existent in India. Hey, why don’t we give them all those diesel cars that VW has to buy back instead of intentionally scrapping what are perfectly good quality cars?
Oh that’s right, it would be economically unacceptable.

There’s a lot of comments about how bad human drivers are. No argument here. But are we really that stupid/childish that we believe human programmers are infallible and make bug-free software that always works in all unforeseen circumstances? As if software bugs and glitches are a rare thing? And that driverless car

This stuff doesn’t get properly debated much, so kudos for bringing it up OdenThe1337. How about it Jalopnik: a look into the true practicals of the various green car techs, and why Li battery is winning?