Dick Bass vs. Patrick Morrow

The Bible is yuge, Jesus Christ was terrific, He made great, great deals for His people.

woman does thing, is happy. society burns.

whats the point of any of this really

CA Governor Jerry Brown was also trying to reach out to those that disagree with him (and smack them for their willful ignorance):

My recommendation for an alternative is Outside Magazine. Again, good photography, good articles. I’m old school and still subscribe to paper magazines.

IS there anything else out there like NG? I can’t think of anything. I’m really struggling with this, I know in the great scheme of things this is kind of trivial but NG has been a part of my life for so long. I get excited every month when it shows up in my mail box. I’m doubting my ability to stay unscubscribed :(

I’ve been a subscriber for most of my adult life and I read every issue from cover to cover. I cancled my subscription this morning. It broke my heart to do it, but I just can’t stand this man and when I can opt out of supporting him I will. I’m gutted by this.

I did. I’m a subscriber.

that is three (3) punchable faces up there.

it’s one of the most punchable trios of all time i think.

It’s the eye of the martyr
It’s the thrill of the Right
Rising up to the challenge of our (Supreme Court) trial
And the last known dissenter
Thinks Jesus supports her plight
And she’s watching us all with the eyeeeeeeeeeee ... of the martyr

That is one punchable face. Its just infuriating that she feels that she’s triumphed.

Maybe a little off-topic, and maybe due to where I live, but WHY THE MOTHERFUCKING FUCK (are we allowed to swear on here?) does it cost me, a woman, minimum $100+ for a very basic cut and color?

ok but

That is one heck of a movie.... not just that scene. I loved it.

Now playing

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, 20Th Century Fox, 2013. An underrated movie.

Interviewer: *asks question that would demonstrate a base-level of knowledge about an issue, and would be fair to expect of someone who is trying to be President*

I have roughly the same interest in becoming a parent as mongooses have in hanging out with snakes but holy crap this guy.

I can’t even with this guy today.