
Well, first of all I would seriously advise that you put a whole lot of practice in that whole pulling your face off thing.


Makes perfect sense. I also thought I very briefly saw an arm when Sarah took her face off.

When I first saw Sarah walking outside at night tiward the bar I thought it was Laura. It was only when she came inside the bar did I realize it was Sarah.

I think he was chosen to relay the message because of his childlike innocence

Ah, but that's how The Jumping Man would do it.

Yep, the ponytail.

Actually I'm pretty sure he said statue of limitations. Closed captions are hardly ever perfect in any given program. Plus you have to admit it takes a dumb motherfucker to buy two female bobcat kittens for breeding purposes. So yeah, those two guys are pretty fucking dumb.

The more I think about your theory, the more I like it. Like the nature documentary. What if it wasn't a program at all, but The Lodge showing Sarah things that are actually going on in the real world. It could also be showing her things from the past, and the future, possibly involving people she has been or will be

Another aspect I forgot to mention is, if DoppleCooper really did rape Audrey and impregnate her with his Bob infected demon seed, it's liable to have had the effect of making her spirit dark, possibly even evil.

According to the article he hasn't been on yet, but they're thinking he might be on the next episode. He looks enough like Bob I could see where Lynch might use him as Mortal Bob the living serial killer while sticking to Killer Demon Bob from archival footage for his usual suoernatural and Lodge appearances.

Could this be the new Bob?

Thanks for telling me about that. I never realized this was a part of a larger body of work. I'll try to look for it.

Maybe she'll be the Madame of One-Eyed Jacks after all. Think about-

You're welcome.

The Onion must be in a shit load of trouble if they're having to sell holdings to the likes of Gawker.

Makes sense

So, what did youv hink of it? Creepy as fuck?

Well, there was one such blink and you'll miss it cameo, and unfortunately I didn't blink.

The thing asking Johnny Horne how are you today? I'm pretty sure Johnny was the only one hearing that. It's probably the reason he tore the damn thing's head off. Richard would have probably tossed it or ripped it apart in his state of mind if that was really happening. What the fuck would be a legitimate purpose of