
But I look down and see the smiles on their little faces, I just know they're getting ready to jab me with something.

Franz Ferdinand's second album. Wasn't as good as the first.

Read Mother Night. Drop everything you are doing and read it now on a tablet, the screen you are reading this on, your phone, or even a hard copy. You'll thank me.

Really? I felt the opposite but to each his own. It's odd because I liked everything else by Marquez I've read a lot more (He's one of my girlfriend's favourites).

I wouldn't call them problems as such (it's mostly brilliant, just exhausting to read), but there is a sense that "more is more" with Pynchon to the point of "too much" on a first reading. Maybe I just don't know enough about history, engineering, physics, leftist philosophy, German geography, films, 40s folk songs,

Midnight's Children-Salman Rushdie: It's about 80% brilliant, it tapers off a bit towards the end by feeling as though it rushes towards a resolution, but it's still a major acheivement.


Even including "For Your Pleasure", which has the best song ever written about a sex toy in "In Every Dream Home A Heartache"?

They must have hired a real dragon, and taught it English. It certainly didn't go on the script or cast (unless Peter Jackson is still in 2005 and paying Orlando Bloom accordingly).