Patrick Ian Burke

The original Gundam Build Fighters is one of the best Gundam series, and I’ve been watching Gundam for decades at this point. Total surprise that came out of nowhere and won basically everybody over. I hope this new project has some of the same magic of that first season, because the sequels and Build Divers haven’t

Anyone who complains about the price doesn’t understand what people pay right now to get internet in the sticks. 

My only problem is Cardi B herself, who admitted to drugging, raping, and robbing many people - yet for some reason people still warship her.


Sorry, the net positive for humanity that Starlink is going to offer far outweighs ruined pictures of the sky. 

This lawsuit won’t go anywhere, the PC port is derived from a completely legally reverse engineered version of the game. If you download it, you have to put in your own rom to pull assets from. Nintendo is going to lose this one, the question is if the devs gets scared. If they know the law, though, they can’t touch

Now playing

Technically already been done. Crysis 3 was one of the first games ported to the Tegra X1.

I would describe it as “serviceable”. I had a fun time messing around with it this morning. I still don’t know why Activition won’t just give us CoD. Even ports of old ones would do. 

14.5 million donation? Man fuck that guy! /s

Jesus H Christ Gawker has some real asshole authors. 

Translation: “Heres the rest of the game we left out, pay up chumps.”

He’s in there, his picture was among the leaks from the game. Guess it’s not a spoiler now that he did a piece on it on his show. 



Seth did what he had to do to get Fox to sign off on it, and it has really paid off. I am so glad this show exists, and we get something that is really very special, unlike STD. 

Good! Fuck off Klutzman!

Maybe some sense of actual Star Trek can come back now, and not Klutzman’s “subverht muh expectashuns”.


....because a junkyard LS is like $300?

Sloppy Mechanics/Matt Happel FTMFW!