Patrick Ian Burke

I agree. I think the biggest casualty in this Kojima/Konami divorce is the FOX Engine. It has so much potential and Kojima was even thinking about licensing it out. FOX Engine could have been the Unreal Engine 3 of this gen.


It didn’t, still Akio Otsuka.

Its the story. The story is everything in this series.

Oh my god I miss that so much! I found so many great jpop/jrock artists through that live stream! I think STAY AWAY was one of the first videos I saw on there, when I discovered it, been a huge Laruku fan ever since!…

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I much prefer The Brilliant Green to either of her alter ego’s

Uh, Build Fighters was excellent. Try wasn’t as good, but was still good.

G-Reco sucked dick, though.

Yes. Peace Walker is incredibly important to the story of MGSV. Ground Zeroes starts not long after the end of Peace Walker and the two people you rescue are main characters in the game.

I bet you’re a lot of fun at parties.

As someone who went last year, and managed to get a ticket this year while the site was shitting the bed, there was something magical about watching it with a crowd.


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Unpopular Opinion Time, I really loved Rebel Assault II. It was the first Playstation game I ever beat as well. -

That was an edit, the article used to have no mention of the movie.

No sneaking, its been in the news for a long time now that Activision is on a 3 year cycle. Advanced Warfare was the first 3 Year game released.

I agree, I can’t believe G-Reco even charted.

I also loved it! The first time I played an Assassins Creed game was AC2 on Onlive.

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Hes being turned into an AI like The Boss in Peace Walker