Patrick Dillon

No. Courtney Love did not make that movie. The extent of her involvement ended after director Bret Morgen interviewed her. It was more a product of Cobain's mother, sister, and daughter and was in development for nearly a decade before its release. Do your research!

I am honest to god sick of people accusing Courtney Love of murdering Kurt Cobain. Making a movie about it is the equivalent of making a movie about how a communist broke through White House security in the 1920s to change the Constitution to separate church and state- it's utter nonsense that has zero credibility!

I am sorry, I don't think that you understood the surrealistic nature and baroque imagery that Fellini was striving for, and successfully achieved. It plays by no one's rules but Fellini's and is one of the most visually dazzling films ever made. It does not strive for plot or character, it strives for atmosphere