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    "You do realize that 660Ti's can usually match or outperform 670's with good OCes right?"

    I did it through live chat. I told them I was going to return it and just buy a new one to get the offer.

    Seriously, what the fuck is the deal with them trying to claim it out preforms a 670? What bullshit. Do they really expect anyone to believe that?

    For $50 more you could have gotten a 670 which would have performed better that that. Its going to have problems on high resolutions with AA turned up.

    They retroactively honored mine.

    I was talking about max AA though. Also on 2560x1600 res monitors it where it really takes a dive.

    On higher res monitors is where it will be a problem. And games like Battlefield 3, Witcher 2, Skyrim with hi-res mod.

    Turn up AA and you will see the 660Ti crumble. It can't handle it.

    I prefer Nvidia too. But about the drivers, they have gotten a lot better as of late about them.

    A 670 will overclock easily to a 680. Same memory bus width too, so you'd be set with a 670.

    You will most likely have to turn down AA for a good FPS on a large res monitors. It has a fairly small memory bus width.

    You can get better bang for your buck with AMD around that price range.

    There isn't enough VRAM or a large enough memory bus width to do 3 screens at max on newer game and keep a great FPS, not to mention its going to seriously be hurting in the future.

    People need to stop saying this. If you say that its practically a 670 and they say a 670 a practically a 680 and a 680 is practically a 690, then 2 660 Ti would practically be a 690. That is not close at all.

    I've been playing since launch, I've encountered maybe 5 hackers at most.

    I think you might be lost.

    It works but its not part of the deal. They can block you, or even worse upgrade you and force you to pay.

    Tiered data plans only :(

    The death penalty is not harsh enough. He deserves to feel the pain and fear that he dealt out.

    I don't like the design of the buttons. I would see it being extremely easy to hit the one of the wrong "G" buttons by accident. On my MMO7 they have it so the layout of the buttons are far enough apart that you don't risk pressing another by accident.