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    Just saying, good air cooling is much better than mineral oil. Mineral Oil is a bad heat conductor.

    That was some pretty amazing aiming ability they had there...

    No, it wont be using your bandwidth if implemented properly. It will be completely local. Most current setups would be able to handle it easily. It wouldn't be processing the game, only transmitting video + sending input commands back. Just like OnLive except you aren't having to travel through servers for it. OnLive

    I don't think you are playing Xbox Live on a 3G/4G connection. Wifi.

    Fucking this. I have died so many times because my teammates decide they want to flank and knife him while I'm being suppressed. If you have the shot, take it. I only knife if its away from the main action or I accidentally stumble onto someone.

    He has a very modern American accent. I thought he was born english and raised native American. Wheres that accent?

    America's low? Really? Dubstep originated in the UK.

    You could wait for the lower end Kepler cards. Those will be cheaper than the 680 and should do fine. I was thinking of waiting and getting a 660 ti, but I've decided to just say fuck it and grab a 690.

    These settings probably have AA maxed, if you drop that down you will see a huge increase in FPS.

    Oh, she was "handy".

    Oh god Meebo. I met a girl in a chatroom on there that I ended up living with for 2 years.

    Ivy Bridge supports Thunderbolt, but I am guessing you will need a motherboard that does also.

    Someone asked what the TDP was, and since they only said "TDP?" I can't respond to that. It claims to be a 77 TDP, but from testing a little while back it was reported to be 95.

    Should have made it November 7th.

    It has landed.

    Grabbed a z77 chipset motherboard just for one of these the other day. Can't wait to see its performance.

    I'm sorry but they should have seriously had somoeone else showing it off. "and uh.." that many times sound bad.

    I personally wouldn't but the intel motherboards they are suggesting. The z77 chipset boards are being released on the 8th and they will support the new Ivy Bridge microarchitecture.

    Who knows which direction they went in. Railroads fork off.

    It looks like they took a year off his age and added it to how many years before he returned.