Patrick "Buzz" Bomb

More evidence of there being an ISS. That was a question posed by a flat Earth kook, why has the ISS not been hit by space debris, how can it be up in orbit and not have any issues with things hitting it. But, of course they will day this is a planted story. Idiots!

That's contradictory!

Selfish, rude bastards, get a sign that says “put your cigarette butts in the can!"and get a big ashtray/ashcan. If that doesn't work, get new non smoking roommates!

That’s a total b. s statement, I’m a former heroin addict, and former smoker, and I quit smoking the same day I started, no repercussions, not the same deal with the heroin. That’s a cop out excuse, plain and simple. Its might be harder for some than others but no comparison to kicking heroin, not even in the same

Damn, where are you buying/seeing e-juice that expensive for one, and where can I find a carton of cheap cigarettes for $20-$30 thats not at a wholesale warehouse, swap meet, or didn't "fall off the back of a truck"? I'm guessing these ars superlative statements? Or you're being rhetorical.

Yes, doctors did endorse cigarettes back in the day, but just because they endorsed them doesn’t mean that they were healthy, or not harmful. Hell, doctors endorse all kinds of medication that is terrible for people, it’s about money.

It’s an inanimate object, how can that be pretentious? Maybe that’s just the new nomenclature.

Being a sheep ain’t chic!

Trendy ain’t hip. G+ is a place for intelligent, noncomformists who don’t go with the status quo, or the hoi pollo. Facebook and Twitter are juggernauts with a monopoly on social media, but there’s always room for the new kid in town who don’t want to join the football team, or cheer squad but want to be in the nerd

I like G+, it’s just fine, you kinda have to get accustomed to it because you need it to use YouTube and the like. I don’t like Facebook, I didn’t get the hang of it early on. It was pre installed on my Samsung galaxy device so I gave it a try. I don’t have many acquaintances, or friends, and am not trying to rekindle

Black lives matter are a racist organization/movement with racist and ignorant ideology. Most of the current faction of this movement are young, uninformed, ignorant, racist blacks, and in no way do they represent the majority of honest, hard working, non racist blacks. I would be embarrassed and offended to have

It’s because the previous honor was a 4X, so if you do the math, naturally the next would be....... the 5X. They go in chronological order, or numerical order. Is that a less nefarious answer, does it make more sense?