Patrick "Buzz" Bomb

More climate change/global warming B.S,more hysteria and nonsense. Nice work, let’s keep the ignorant public in a constant state of paranoia with the world is going to boil and flood because of man’s obsession with fossil fuel and pollution. What a waste of time and print to make the plaque and report on it. Even if

People are recommending Ting in the thread, I used 44gb of data this month and I pay $80 on Verizon. With Ting over 2gb you pay $20+$10/gb so my bill for data alone with Ting would be over $400/mo compared to $80 on Verizon, no thanks I will stick with Verizon or Sprint because I use the Pixel line of phones. 

Ironic that your #1 worst company is ranked as #1 best company in many lists. Plus your list of worst carriers is all the major phone companies. 

It's fucking ridiculous, I had a commercial license (A) w/all endorsements and didn't "use" it for just over two years when I was 34 y/o and I couldn't retake the written test to renew it, I had to re-test renting a semi which I couldn't afford so I had to downgrade to a regular (C) license. Yet old people can

Damn racist white supremacist system, black man can’t see to get ahead cuz the white man’s foot always on his neck and can’t catch a break neither, oh wait a minute..........

I think you're thinking of his lawyers fee

They were trying to get the thing to work, it looks like they thought it was activated by a sensor so they kept going forward and in reverse to start it instead of paying attention to the sign saying STOP. But I wouldn’t say it was a “tragic” event because it appears that nobody got hurt or killed which would be

I have a pixel 2XL and rarely if ever use the squeeze feature, it’s usually by an accidental squeeze that it gets activated.

Absolutely nothing wrong with that performance or singing. There’s many that have done a far worse job of singing the national anthem. Need I mention Rosanne!

Boo hoo, you’re going to have to get used to change or get run over. Just like the replaceable battery and large bezels of yesterday, the headphone jack will be obsolete soon as it is on the new pixel phones. Doesn’t take much to get used to it like I thought it would. Didn’t think I could get used to not having a

He did hit the roof, you can see it hanging as he’s backing up with the ATM and you can see the debris from it on the ground as well.

That’s awesome, finally someone figured out how to steal an ATM and potentially get away with it. Unfortunately the forklift has identifying numbers and features that will possibly lead authorities to the culprits. Oh well, back to the drawing board.

That’s right Shatner, speak up about those wretched SJW’s and the liberal agenda! I like it when a celebrity isn’t afraid to go against the mainstream opinion of liberal Hollywood and its anti-Trump, anti-right vitriolic bullshit. Yes, Trump has many faults and his administration is a mess, but calling him a racist is

This publication is a race baiting shitrag, sure the Earth is an oblate spheroid, and that’s where the truth ends. This publication preaches the racist rhetoric that BLM and SJW’s, liberals, millennials, self loathing white people, et al all support. Blacks are only as economically disadvantaged as they let themselves

Really? What a moronic comment. Not even a witty, clever, or slick one either. Star Wars humor, are you an adult yet?

You found out you're related to porcupines?

How does the damn chart work? I know my age group, but how does the rank part go, I'd like to know how I'm going to die.

You are either at the right place at the right time, or hang out at intersections all the time. You know the odds of seeing one car catch fire at a red light, much less "several"? Ok Pinocchio!


Shut up and worry about your own damn self. I'll vape, smoke, or whatever else I do while driving, and I'll drive right by you and give you a obe finger salute. What a douche bag.