It's Charlie's Uncle, the lawyer with the small hands.
It's Charlie's Uncle, the lawyer with the small hands.
This was complete garbage. I know it's not really a car show anymore but it doesn't even work as an entertainment show.
I live pretty close to that base. Hear them going over my house every now and again.
I honestly couldn't give a shit about Top Gear anymore. Every single joke falls flat and the features are largely very uninteresting. I'll take /drive over TG any day of the week and I say that as a Brit who used to enjoy the show.
Fantastic sounding engine too.
Yeah the reboot is pretty dreadful.
+1000 times this.
She is crazy cute.
Ahem, that's 'Sir' David Attenborough, dontchaknow.
Agreed. They call those 'lifesavers'(at least here in the UK) for a reason.
This movie is everything that is wrong with British cinema.
0%. Not a chance.
600 k/b sec
Vocal minority. All weed smokers I know don't really talk about smoking it to be honest.
Level 102? Pfft! I've been playing for about 7 months and I'm at about 390-something and I'm pleased to say I've only cheated by buying power ups twice.
That looks fucking heinous.
Jesus wept, that Bentley Continental might have the most hideous arse in automotive history.
Absolutely. Bored my face off.
There ya go!