I’m such a fool! They’re fields are metric
I’m such a fool! They’re fields are metric
Clickbait headline is clickbate. There are only 100 yards on a football field. Gawker media is at it again.
As far as Calvins on Sunday, he is only second to Hobbes for bringing a paper tiger to life.
You are still tanking but now you are tanking with a hometown star to keep season tickets sales up while also spending the escalating salary cap floor money. #Kobetanking
I remember watching CNN’s coverage of the Gulf War and remembering the scenes in Forrest Gump of the Vietnam war. I was terrified I would be drafted and have to go to war but I understood it was my duty. So I told my neighbor, a retired Marine, that I was ready to go and fight and wouldn’t need to be drafted. He told…
Maybe he is smart with his money?
“Probably just a faulty GPS.” - Michael Scott
Iceland are just like Boris Johnson, fuck up England and then leave.
My only regret is I didn’t leave work and watch this with an Englishman.
What’s worse, the duffel bag had a history of carrying weapons.
Kid With Basketball: And we got to meet James Harden too! Oh my God!!!
Fuck, man. Can 2016 just stop with the tire fire?
You must be bad at googling. The vast majority of the players on the squad at Euro were born in Switzerland, and all are citizens. I get your joke, though, that some of them have funny names and brown skin and what happened to racial purity and why won’t Obama show us his ISIS birth certificate? Classic stuff. Love it.
All players whose BAC was below Daniel Murphy’s batting average.
Nice! Now do a pro sports player list for highest B.A.C blown after a DUI.
Pete Carroll when asked for life advice: Pass
I’ve always said, “Goals change games."
Wondo’s mom brings the orange slices for halftime sooooo
You might want to see a doctor about that stick up your ass.