
How do you exist in 2018?

The weight you quote from that R&T article is the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating. That’s the maximum allowable weight listed by the manufacturer, including curb weight, passengers, and max cargo. Curb weight is still only 5,441 lbs so you can fit a couple of fairly large Americans and a few bags of luggage before you’re

Feel free to arrest your Mom when she crosses the Brooklyn Bridge

Can confirm accounts of Tiger’s cheapness from co-workers at a few different restaurants. Can also confirm that Charles Barkley used to call out Tiger on that shit every time, back when they were still friends.

I live in Vegas, and there are 2 athletes that are universally reviled in this town from limo drivers, to valets, to bellman, to wait staff, to dealers and to casino hosts. Tiger Woods and Scottie Pippen (also known as No Tippin’ Pippen here). Friend of a friend was a casino manager at the Rio in the late 90s and

Yeah every story I ever heard of people being caddies for Jordan around Chicago, they got at least $100 for the round. I assume that’s good for a caddie?

I waited on him multiple times at two different restaurants in Chicago back in the day (early 2000's) and he always left a very nice tip. Don’t know how he treats his caddies, but servers he was always nice to.