“Also some people are just born that way.”
“Also some people are just born that way.”
Thanks to celebrity medical “experts” like Jenny McCarthy convincing millions not to vaccinate, these diseases that were all but wiped out in the first world, are now experiencing a comeback.
“an entirely unremarkable figure save for his insatiable thirst for media coverage...”
Or.... Maybe people who record everything are looking to cover their own asses for OTHERS shitty behavior?
Mr Mueller... You might want to have a chat with her. Just sayin!
Oh noes! That’s horrible! The next thing you know, your browser will track your web browsing habits!
While I admire Kesha, I’m going to play Devils advocate here... When you sign a contract, you are legally obligated to fulfill your end of the deal. If she was abused, that’s horrible, and she should have pursued legal action then via the police, not litigation in civil court. Were the court to rule in her favor, that…