And honestly... The little TINY needle they use for the flu vax? You barely feel it. At least I don’t It’s not like a tetanus shot.
And honestly... The little TINY needle they use for the flu vax? You barely feel it. At least I don’t It’s not like a tetanus shot.
I actually DO get it for me. :) Herd immunity is a bonus, but I hate getting the flu. :(
I thought vaccines were lifelong; like the polio vaccine. You get it once, your body develops antibodies and you are considered vaccinated against THAT particular viral strain for life. Or may need a booster shot, but not for years or possibly decades later. You get an annual flu shot, because the virus constantly…
Nah. You’re just an asshole.
So where do you live? Sounds to me like you need a “HUG,” Trolly McTrollface.
I’ll donate for that!
Seriously - STFU. Your thinly veiled racism is starting to show through the cracks
Go blow. People have donated money to far more superfluous causes. These kids are under privileged, and want to go. Thats enough a reason for me. If I had the money, I’d fund their entire trip - just to piss you off!
And I’ll be over here, calling you a C U Next Tuesday. Seriously - go eff yourself.
Boeing better figure out how to reuse their vehicles and quickly.
Click bait masquerading as journalism. And THIS boys and girls is how a corporation gets their commercial video to go viral!
And they're gluten free as well!
Yea... Tesla has never produced an EV. And their customers HATE the product. Please STFU.
You're either a Porsche employee, or you own one. Either way, butt hurt and bitter. Yea - PLEASE let us know when your precious Porsche actually makes an EV. Until then, shut the fuck up. :)
By the very nature of torrenting, when you download, you become an uploader too by proxy.
Well, that’s amazing that someone like you who has never met these people, can analyze their situation - based entirely on what you have read in the tabloids!