

I mean, I’ve been smoking since the early 90s and I still can’t control the weather. Which is some major bullshit.

Hey hey hey, smoke weed every day.

No. It even says directly below it “Meme by Patty Red”.

i’ve seen a lot of the response even from CoD youtubers like Nadeshot (pro CoD esports guy) and Driftor (guy who mathematically dissects every multiplayer cod weapon/strategy since forever) that they just don’t like it so i don’t think you’re alone here Fahey. This year’s CoD feels like what chief wiggum said while

Dead Cubs fans are celebrating in Heaven

I’m gonna treasure this moment of enjoying this mostly likable organization for now, because I know for the next ten years, I’ll be cursing this franchise into oblivion while drunkenly yelling at all of the pink hat-wearing Cubs “fans” that walk through the turnstiles of a Mariners-A’s game.

God I love this team. Theo has been waiting all fucking season to release

the Indians never quite threatened, but they constantly threatened to threaten

Pete Carroll (walking over to Lynch and Hauschka): You know who else was ready to ride? The 9/11 hijackers, if they actually existed.