The Patriarchy

Do we really know it was because he was dumped for a woman though? People can be petty like that for just being dumped in general.

I think this is meant to be it. I figured it’s a way to avoid outright acknowledging that the previous one isn’t a legitimate review.

I think they’re thinking of Charlie Sheen.

I can’t believe how people are just shitting on you for daring to suggest that there may be more to the story than the presumed narrative. I came here to find out more about the game after hearing everyone complain about it. I had no idea there was even any LGBT element in the story, people aren’t even talking about

Angelina Jolie didn’t just give an Oscar-nominated performance. It also won one.

“It was ONLY 3 or 4 black eyes...”

This story chills me to the core, because I live in Boston I’ve been trying to plan how to take my Beagle when I go to my girlfriend in Amsterdam..

Are you serious? I can’t tell. If it’s possible, why would that happen?

Ha! I was wondering why nobody mentioned the irony.

Frankly, I’m a little incredulous that a company Apple would scoff at someone would want to finish their education. They’re used to hiring intelligent people and it’s not unusual for those people to prioritize something like this.

Are you Dutch yourself, since you got your diagnosis there? I am very curious about how well ADHD is understood there and how treatment compares to here in America.

I loved Microserfs! It was my favourite book for a while. I was overjoyed when JPod came out and was marketed as a quasi-sequel but found it disappointing.

Sorry, I meant this is not getting many reactions.

I am extremely relieved that someone made the same mistake. Back in the mid 2000s, I had stumbled on his Wikipedia article and from just skimming it I got the impression that he was an anti-establishment figure and skeptical of the current Bush administration.

I may be misremembering, but I think he actually said something exactly like that. But it was years ago so he must have been referring to the second Bush administration.

Me too. Also, it has a negative effect on academic research because the focus has shifted to what will have more entertainment value and would make a good TED talk. Scientific research, including the most essential and valuable ones to society, is commonly very mundane and too ‘boring’ to make a popular TED talk.

Sorry to see that this is getting many reactions. I have a hard time getting into modern comics but the clean art style and the rather simple dialogue got my attention. The setup looks great so far and I’m looking forward to the next issue.

I used to feel the same way, but now I do worry about losing our civilization because if some of us survive somehow or another species gets a shot they’re doomed to repeat all our painful mistakes to get here :(

How is that even a question? He’s not an ally. Don’t be ridiculous. We’re not really starving for allies against Trump. I’d never compromise so many of my principles to even consider someone like him as an ally.

This news makes me unusually happy. Years ago I read a horrible listicle about celebrities who have peaked and I believe she was number one. They were like, she may have a show named after her character, but this is as good as it gets. There are no higher mountains she’ll be climbing after this, it’s all downward now.