
Just a small note, CFL's life is shortened by running in enclosed containers due to the heat. As this is a lantern, and the lifetime of a CFL is years, it probably won't be a big deal, but putting a little bit of air flow through this would make it last even longer.

It's also crazy to say: "Well they're really just a bag of atoms that everyone will forget in a couple of years. Their contributions in life probably didn't amount to anything, and their life, like yours, has no real purpose, as eventually life as we know it will cease altogether."

I agree with both points. There's something about the physical act of writing information down that makes it more easily retained, which is why I held out on pen-and-paper notes while everyone moved to using iPads. (I've recently replaced all my notebooks with a Surface Pro, but that's because the Surface Pro uses a

Please consider giving to your local churches. There are many ministries that are headed by people who volunteer their time and resources. I am a youth pastor heading up a teen ministry of approx 50 teens and any additional funding is most graciously appreciated!!!

And along with that, Shift+F5 to start the presentation from the current slide.

I personally use the Logitech Anywhere MX and love it. Only problem is the conventional middle button is what toggles between free scroll and clicked scroll, so I mapped the mousewheel tilt to the left as a middle click (& mousewheel tilt to the right to minimize the window...hello easy boss mode!). But battery

Logitech makes mice with a button that turns the free scrolling on and off. You can scroll for miles and miles if that's what you want, or you can hit a button and it'll click at regular intervals again.

It works for filling the wood stove, too. Poly fleece clothing and sparks are not a good mix.

What? No one said pray?

I read someplace that iOS users spend more money in apps than android or winphone users. That's why they "forget" the userbase...

Easy. Join a credit union. No need for any of this.

Agreed. In theory, the "intention" is to help the needy, but realistically the majority of benefactors are those who choose to depend on the government because they are "entitled."

"...the ultimate goal of all of these programs is to get you back on your feet and working again."
No they're not, they're meant to develop dependency leading to serfdom.

Marriage is permanent. It isn't the temporary "In Love" feeling, it is a conscious choice that you both make every day to love the other and take care of each other.

I disagree with this. My wife and I never would have done a pre-nup, because we don't even consider divorce an option. 'til death.

ah i thought you meant for a desktop. for a laptop - that is genius and should be standard procedure with laptop nowadays in my opinion

I just found one for my XPS 15 on Amazon for $14. NewmodeUS is $38. Now I know. I think this might just be my next project.

Thanks. I've tried on my Paperwhite 3G + Galaxy S4 Kindle App + S4 Audiple app. and yes, it syncs in all ways. Voice<->Text.

Which, over the course of a year, adds to the same amount of calories burned as running ten marathons during that time.

@ 3 hrs x 5 days a week for a year, the extra calories burned and heart rate activity from standing versus sitting is almost the same as running ten marathons (per the Dr.'s quote).