
No apology necessary – it is responses like yours that affirm for me one of my favorite principles: it is better to know people who think well than people who think the same as you. I am grateful for your thoughtful responses. Here are a few thoughts I have in response to them, and I value your feedback. Seeing it all

That’s okay then. I figured you read further and just didn’t have any rebuttal, and your response confirms this. Anyone reading this discourse can clearly see it for themselves which position is evidence based and which is held by someone who shouts their talking points but then refuses to actually provide support

Read 1 more sentence...

If all we are going to do is use the classic definition of our positions we may as well stop here - Republicans believe in a Republic which the US is, Democrats believe in a Democracy which the US is not, therefore Democrats are anti-American.

To each point:

“true and accurate reporting about public figures had lost its power to make a difference”

Yes. There is one other huge reason for the minivan - sliding doors. Every time my oldest gets out of my SUV I have to hold the door very carefully to avoid dings. In the minivan there is no chance. On the plus side, some are getting pretty nice. My wife had an Odyssey and the engine is big enough I never have trouble

10-20 may be ambitious depending on your plan, but if you only have 1 day be sure to note a couple favorites. If you have multiple days, pay attention to lighting and which may be better to come back to at sunrise/ sunset. My family visits Yosemite regularly, and we usually spend 1 day each trip on just photography

Really people - I’m a conservative and dislike trump less than I dislike Clinton, but comparing him to bane or the purge as a recent meme did is as moronic as comparing a liberal politician to hitler over a similar phrase here or there. There are legitimate things to be dissatisfied with trump over, but this is being

Care to be more specific?

Two other thoughts:

“You. Yes, you.” probably doesn’t like the fact they are Christian. They do a lot of things anyone would agree with - jobs for the poor, cheap clothing and home goods, food distribution, etc. They also tell people about Jesus.

I’ll admit I’ve been curious about going a step above them. Comfort wise it was an easy decision when comparing cheap and rockports, and even cost wise they end up being a good value, but with a shoe that is $200+ but is repairable, and costs $125 to be resoled I have 2 questions:

Quality shoes - Rockport or similar

Yes - if well utilized in the right subject they are awesome, but nothing makes me more frustrated than a required item that is never used.

Can you tell me which publishers so I can make a couple extra dollars? Just kidding of course.

As a college professor I think it bears pointing out the other side of this equation: the digital access codes give each student access to much more interactive material, and lots more feedback on homework problems.

There are steps between auto and manual - and for anyone between a pro and a novice they are usually the best options. One of the benefits of a DSLR (or a nice point and shoot) is the ability to put the camera in aperture or shutter speed priority. Then, you can ensure the camera either has your desired depth of

Shooting style may help you decide between full frame, crop sensor, or micro 4/3 but won’t help you decide Canon vs. Nikon (or other brand) in most cases. For that decision I think there is a better question than shooting style - what do your friends have?

I used both for about 2 years each, and neither is perfect for the user with external drives. Here’s why:

Backblaze - they offer external drive backup, but if you don’t plug it in for 30 days they delete the backup and you have to re-upload it (or just lose the data outright if you lost the drive). They do send you