
Lets also not forget that it has been general practice historically for presidents not to appoint a supreme court justice in their final year but leave that decision effectively to the voters by letting their successor make the appointment, though in one recent example (Regan I think) an appointment was made in the

1 gift per house (we do 2 Christmases between my folks and my wife’s). The gift can be a single item, or a few smaller related items. They get lots of gifts from grandparents and aunts/uncles so more would have little impact on them.

Had UPS claim they tried to deliver a box that needed a signature on a day my wife was home the whole day right before we were going out of town. They then wanted to charge me if I wanted to have the package they failed to deliver the first time rescheduled on its delivery date. UPS was useless - thankfully Dell was

I think the title should be UPS robs him of 3K, and his seller robbed him of the rest... doesn’t make UPS look much better, but if the guy is demanding to be reimbursed the full $10k or nothing its not unreasonable for UPS to refuse the $10k refund

These are probably a little too redneck for this crowd, but 2 are particularly easy and useful in making an old pickup more fun to drive:

This seems wise, but I might ask it of potential co-workers if you have an opportunity to talk with them, rather than the person in charge of hiring.

“No one cares if you study”
While this may not be totally true (as a college professor I want my students to study) the reality is there is dramatically less accountability in your studying. I think everything that was said about study habits her is good advice, though I might add two other thoughts often students seem

I am a college professor, so I often remind my students that a 4.0 with no experience will not get them a job. Put practically, if you can pay off 10-20% of the cost of your college by working over the summer and throughout semester, but skip internships (or see your grades slip substantially) your degree will be

I worked as a volunteer 40-50 hours a week for a summer during undergrad as a researcher. It was bar-none the most important part of my resume. It helped me get into my PhD program, and was still on my resume when I got a tenure track faculty appointment. I worked hard that summer and got to work with brilliant

At 25 I started a little inconsistently, by 28 I was saving a lot consistently.

I actually still wish they let you install it once and throw away the disc. My tv is mounted to the wall, with the Xbox one tucked behind it. Not having to access it is a plus, and disc versions see better sale prices than digital editions... But I realize I am in the minority. Maybe if they offered a mail in service

Uncharted deserves a shout-out in ps4’s favor. I went Xbox one because of tv and Windows 10 Streaming, but it was uncharted that almost stopped me.

A significant discount app/ video cross-buy offer.

Consolidation is important, but I think the organizing and repetition are a large part of the benefit derived from this exercise. I think it is important though to identify what method(s) of learning you derive the most benefit from: auditory, visual, or tactile. I’m very tactile so this method resonates 100% with me,

Don’t forget the one main danger of carb loading - overloading glycogen in the heart muscle. This is a larger danger with the classical approach (starving of carbs, depleting glycogen, then carb loading) but the heart is a muscle too, but excess glycogen in the heart is not as safe as excess glycogen in skeletal

Funny, I thought Jezebel responded a lot different to Bruce Jenner pretending to be a girl... Are we what we defined by the way we are born, or what we choose to identify with and modify our bodies to identify with? Can’t have it both ways.

For me I have done what I could to integrate my work and family. I am a professor and my wife is a stay at home mom, but my wife and daughter (soon to be daughters) join me at a minimum weekly for lunch, and I regularly have students over to spend time at my house with my family. I’m very intentional to make sure it

Minimum wage though is a living wage, and not a luxury wage. A private 2 bedroom apartment in San Francisco is a luxury, not essential for living. Having a roommate in a 1 bedroom apartment in a cheaper area would represent a living wage, but the study focuses on presenting the most expensive while not making the

I think you missed my 2 main points though:

You’re right you can’t work over 40 hours per week at a single minimum wage job, which usually means either working 2 jobs to get 50+ hours per week, or working 1 job and spending the rest of your time on training for a new job. If anything, it is employee protection laws coming back to haunt the employee - even if an