
Why is it that the Saturday F1 qualifications are no longer shown on TV?

It is frequently amazing what an unlimited budget can accomplish.

Where was it reported that this led to the stealing of a dozen passenger jets? Or are you just trying to start another hysterical conspiracy theory?

As Enzo Ferrari once said, “aerodynamics are for people who do not know how to build engines.”

Yes, because they are so inexpensive to purchase.

Ford will continue to PUBLISH the brochures, electronically, but they will no longer PRINT them on paper.

This article shows a remarkable selection of and disregard of actual facts. The Honda F1 engine is well on its way to back-to-back world championships. The HondaJet is recognized as an exceptionally fine small business jet; Honda spent the time necessary to fully develop it before releasing it to the market, instead

I live in an upscale area (many houses of 5000-7000 sq. ft.)that has almost no sidewalks. The school buses stop about every 4-6 blocks, but run only on the main thoroughfares. I have NEVER seen or heard of (prior to this entry by Hoser 68) of a school bus stopping “at each kid’s house”. Is that a bus for some sort of

I can’t wait for those tens of thousands of Rivian and Lucid drivers to revolt. Oh, wait ....

Making vehicles lighter is diametrically opposed to making them electric.

Would a “hoover craft” be something like the Chaparral sucker car?

Any real wrencher knows that any tool from Harbor Freight is junk

Ford and Volvo would like a word with you.

That is the standard sound of the klaxon siren, It is common on many if not most fire trucks in the U.S. It once was common on most U.S. ambulances and police vehicles. It was also common throughout Europe prior to WW2. During the war, the klaxons were used as air raid sirens, especially in Britain, so the sound had a

Remember that AF 447, which the pilots flew into the Atlantic, was an Airbus with its passive, non-linked, sidesticks.

No, but it does raise troubling questions about the Air France pilot training and the Air France procedures in place to determine who is the PF - there can be only one if the aircraft is to be flown safely.

This is a classic “pump and dump”

So, the taxpayers driving ICE’s should pay for installation of the chargers for the others that can afford Teslas? That sounds very entitled.

The old black -suited Stig did

It is not caused by engineering but by lack of manufacturing quality control and lack of giving a damn