
But “on the lamb” sounds so much kinkier.

It’s an “Elon Musk Door Key”

Because in rural areas , especially in the West, some USPS delivery vehicles have to drive several hundred miles per day, more than the range of an EV, especially when the battery is being drained by an air conditioner, as required in the bids.

The C919 is actually much closer to a copy of the Airbus A320 than the Boeing 737

For the same reason that fastback 4-door SUV’s are now called “Coupes”. It is the current marketing nom du jour.

So glad to see that our coming all-electric world is so affordable. 

Chris, the author, says he is 6'6". The Porsche would clearly fit him; I am 6'2" and had lots of head room in mine. I question the adequacy of headroom in most of the others, especially the Ferrari. All of the cars proposed are used, some being quite old, so why not consider a low mileage, recent-model preowned

The basic principle involved is very simple: If you want to enforce a contract of sale against a seller, you must HAVE A CONTRACT SIGNED BY THE SELLER! Duh! An unsigned build sheet with no final sale price is nothing like an enforceable contract.

Because the lobbyists for Iowa and Nebraska have the clout to require the addition of 10% corn ethanol to gasoline. Duh!

The passenger compartment was intact, but not the passenger.

My 1967 Porsche 912 had side marker lights for parking that were mandatory in most European countries. The turn signals wrapped around to the side, and, when the ignition switch was off, turning on the turn signal activated a small continuous bulb in the turn signal for that side to illuminate the front and rear

Because Fox News is just too wonderful.

Our stellar legislators could just pass legislation requiring ALL vehicles to have stop-start operation. That would surely make all drivers really happy to have that crappy technology foisted upon them.

But they were recommended to do so by the Leader of the Free World, a “very stable genius”

Adding about 130+ pounds (4 batteries plus roof box) to the roof of a tall, narrow vehicle should do great things for its handling on the road.

When it starts to rain, and you are on slicks, that’s the time to put the hammer down.

To say this, you obviously have short legs. Spirit is notorious for having 28" seat pitch, compared to the cramped industry standard of 31".

Taking this to its logical end, we should have one fully standardized design for the entire vehicle and all of its components and allow only that one design to be built. That would solve all of the standardization issues. Sounds like a fun world to live in.

Maybe Saab 9-Fourex

Flying into a box canyon with no way out is pilot error.